Vision and Mission

MTC Vision

“A clean Town Council with hard working, productive and informed community”.

MTC Mission

To serve the community using a participatory mechanism focussing on National priorities and local priority needs in order to accelerate sustainable growth and development in the Town council.

MTC Goals

  • To improve access to quality social services.
  • To increase household income.
  • To promote Good Governance and accountability.

MTC Objectives

  • Enhance value addition in key growth opportunities
  • Strengthen the private sector to create jobs
  • To promote skills enhancement to marginalized groups
  • Strengthen the role of the town council in guiding and facilitating the development
  • To mobilize and sensitize the communities on physical planning for a properly organized town council.
  • To promote effective and efficient service delivery
  • To increase the percentage of motorable feeder roads by 50% by June 2025.
  • To reduce the percentage of the population below the poverty line from 18% to 15% by June 2025.
  • To reduce the number of audit queries by 80% by June 2025.
  • To improve the aggregate performance in the Local Government Assessment enumeration and collection from 80% to 90% by June 2025.

MTC Strategies

  • Improve the maintenance system of roads and increase the road network.
  • Improve staffing levels, especially in the Health, Education, and Production sectors.
  • Resource mobilization, local revenue enhancement, and advocacy for increased funding.
  •  Improve the quantity and quality of social services (Education, Health, and water).
  •  Improve agricultural production, productivity, and accessibility to markets.
  • Promote a quality population.
  • Promote sustainable natural resource management.
  •  Improve food security and Nutrition.
  • Reduce social conflicts, negative cultural perceptions, and gender imbalances.
  • Adherence to the Local Government Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines.
  • Promote Community based initiatives
  •  Improve Local Revenue collection
  • Promote operation, maintenance, and sustainability of district assets
  • Strengthen the Public-Private Partnership and engagement with the civil society.
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