MTC News

Promoting Tourism-MTC Installs a Sign Post

In a bid to promote tourism in Muhorro Town Council and Kagadi District in general, Muhorro Town Council has installed a tourism promotion signpost. The signpost was erected at Muzizi river, the boundary of Muhorro and Kyenjojo district.

Sign Post being erected at River Muzizi, the river that boarder Kagadi and Kyenjojo Distrcits.

The intension is to bring to the attention of the tourists that are going through Muhorro Town Council to make a stopover and tour some of the tourist attractions that are within greater Muhorro.

On the sign post, there are two pictures of Chimpanzees, which are one of the common tourists attractions in Muhorro Town Council. Other attractions within Muhorro include but are not limited to the following;

  1. The Faith of Unity Healing City Headquarters, which is a modern faith(religion) made in Africa, founded by Omukama Ruhanga Owobusobozi Bisaka, that heals for free all spiritual and bodily diseases.
  2. Lake Albert
  3. Caves and Cultural sites

The sign post was installed in collaboration with Friends of Chimpanzee, a Community Based Organization that advocates for the protection of chimpanzees

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