MTC News

Muhorro Town Council to Host the Kagadi District 37th NRM-NRA Liberation Day Celebrations

The District organizing committee for the 37th NRM Liberation day has started preparations ahead of the celebrations to be held on 3rd Febraury 2023 in Muhorro Town Council, Kagadi district.

According to to the Kagadi Resident District Commissioner, Nicholas Kamukama Kaine, the Minister for the Presidency Hon. Babirye Milly Babalanda will preside over the function.

NRM Liberation Day in Uganda is celebrated on January 26th each year. The 2023 NRM Liberation day was hosted by Kakumiro District.

The public holiday commemorates the date in 1986 when the NRM/NRA took over. Since then under the leadership of H.E President Museveni, Uganda has had a growing economy, improved infrastructure and stable political leadership. 

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