MTC News

Muhorro Town Council Lays 2023/2024 Financial Year Budget

Muhorro Town Council Local Government has today the 28th of March 2022 laid the budget estimates for the 2023/2024 financial year. The proposed revenue and expenditure for 2023/2024 were presented on behalf of the Chairperson LCIII by the Secretary for Finance, Planning, and Investment Hon. Muryaburo Kasaija. This is in accordance with the Local Government Finance and Accounting Regulations 18(2), Public Finance Management Act, 2015 where, the Chairperson of a Local Government shall not later than the 31st day of March each year, cause budget estimates to be prepared and laid before council of the Local Government for the following year.

Hon. Muryaburo Kasaija said that the 2023/2024 financial budget is estimated at 417,898,678 Uganda shillings compared to the 2022/2023 budget which was 401,473,678.

Kasaija brought to the attention of the council that in nine months of the 2022/2023 financial year, several achievements have been realized by the council, including but not limited to; payment of road gang salaries for manual maintenance, facilitating council meetings, garbage management, fencing of council premises, study tour, tractor repair among others.  He added that other planned activities that have not been realized will be accomplished in the fourth quarter of this financial year.

Departmental allocation for the 2023/2024 financial year.

Hon. Kasaija highlighted the 2023/2024 financial year priorities which included; road rehabilitation and maintenance, the opening of new streets/roads, market civil works, processing of Council Land title, garbage management, and office renovation among others. He added that some of the strategies for raising the budget funds include;

  • Massive mobilization and sensitization on local revenue collection,
  • Carrying out timely comprehensive enumeration and assessment of local revenue sources,
  • Building capacity of the business community on business management and sustainability
  • Submission of recruitment plan for key positions and lobbying for more wage bill,
  • Timely lobbying for road equipment from the district.

He called upon honorable councilors to take time and scrutinize the draft budget and come up with appropriate amendments where necessary. The adjustments will be presented in the next council sitting.   

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