MTC News

Muhorro Town Council Hosts Officials from Kisiita Town Council on a Study Tour

Muhorro Town Council (MTC) Local Government hosted the political and technical staff from Kisiita Town Council Local Government. The event took place on 16th August, 2023, after Kisiita Town Council writing a letter to MTC requesting for a study tour within MTC.

In a letter dated 11th August, 2023, the Kisiita Town Council Principal Township Officer requested to visit MTC to get more exposure on the following;

  • Practical interventions made to increase local revenue
  • Performance of property rates collection
  • The role of political leaders in effective local revenue collection
  • Tourism (religious)
  • Solid waste management practices
  • Compliance with physical planning guidelines

On arrival, the team had a tour of Muhorro Town Council strategic sites including but not limited to MTC Central Market, the abattoir, a glance at the Faith of Unity Headteachers in Kapyemi, Faith of Unity Stadium, and Muhorro Taxi Park among others.

After the touring the town, the team from Kisiita Town Council and MTC political and technical team collectively exchanged ideas on the key targets as requested by Kisiita Town Council.

Muhorro Town Council Principal Township Officer, Mr. Isingoma John giving remarks

In this remarks the Principal Township Officer Mr. Isingoma John said that MTC started in 2011 with 6 wards and  43 cells. It is bordered by Kyamutunzi Town Council in the South, Kagadi Town Council in the North, Muhorro Sub County in the East, Bwikara Sub County in the West and Galiboleka Sub County in the North West.

He added that the Town Council hosts different religious institutions including but not limited to; Faith of Unity Headquarters, Catholic Parish, Muhorro Mosque among others.

He brought to the attention of the visitors that the political team at MTC has played a significant role in ensuring that MTC grows to its current status.

The political wing has played its part very well especially in physical planning, road networking, revenue collection, community mobilization and holding peace talks with community members who have issues.

Said John

Meanwhile Mr. Kyaligonza Matia the MTC Acting Physical Planner said that community sensitization is key in implementing physical planning activities. He added that key stakeholders in the community must be brought on board to give input on the kind of town they would like to see.

Every year, we organize an event titled the Muhorro We Want where the people of Muhorro Town Council come together to reflect on the Muhorro they want to see. This gives us an opportunity to get ideas from the people we are serving. We also use the platform to give accountability on what has been done, what is happening and what is coming in the Town Council.

He added
Ag. Planner for Muhoro Town Council giving his remarks

Matia brought to the attention of the visitors that tax incentives are given to investors who are interested in putting up storied buildings, as a way of motivating them. He said that plan approval is free for anyone willing to construct a storied building in the Town Council.

The number of storied buildings within the central business district(CBD) (Kisweka ward) has increased partly because we scraped off plan approval fees from people willing to construct storied buildings. In addition, plan approval fees for people in other wards are lower than the fees for the CBD. Fees for residential houses are lower than fees for commercial houses. This has made it easier for people to have building plans before they begin construction.

Said Matia

In his remarks, the Kisiita Town Council Principal Township Officer said that Kisiita Town Council’s physical plan is 90% complete. He added that the Town Council is waiting for the Physical Planning Board to visit Kisiita Town Council and make a final report about the physical plan for the Town Council.

He however noted that the process of coming up with the physical plan requires a lot of resources in terms of finance, adding that Kisiita Town Council has so far used UGX over 44,000,000 to get the plan to 90%. He added that this has been done in phases and the council has played a crucial role in ensuring that the money for physical planning is budgeted and approved.

Principal Township Officer for Kisiita Town Council giving his remarks

He applauded Muhorro Town Council for the developments and achievements so far realized and most importantly for accepting their invitation to visit Muhorro Town Council.

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