MTC News

Muhorro Town Council Approves Land Committee

Muhorro Town Council has approved the MTC land Committee. The committee is responsible for handling all land-related matters within the Town Council.

Among other duties, the committee is mandated to;

(i) Hold and allocate land in the sub-county that does not belong to any person or authority,

(ii) Facilitate the registration and transfer of interests in land,

(iii) Cause surveys, plans, maps, drawings and estimates to be made, among others

The Council approved the following as members of the Land Committee for Muhorro Town Council.

Mr. Ssebugwawo GodfreyChairman
Omuhereza TinkaMember
Ms. Nakyanzi Sefuroza KyomyaMember
Ms. Tusiime KellyMember

In performing their duties, the Land Committee must follow the provisions of the Constitution, Land Act and the land Regulations, on the ownership and management of land. The national and district policies and the customs or guiding principles of an area have to be born in mind.

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