HealthMTC News

Muhorro Health Centre III Receives Medicines and Drugs from Ministry of Health

Muhorro Health Centre III has received a consignment of drugs and medicines from the Ministry of Health. The drugs were delivered on 29th September, 2023 at Muhorro Health Centre III premises by the National Medical Stores (NMS).

The delivered drugs and medicines were received by the designated officers at the health facility. The Muhorro Town Council Town Clerk was also present to witness the verification of items delivered.

The Town Clerk called upon the people of Muhorro  to come for free and quality services available at Muhorro Health Centre III. He applauded the Ministry of Education and NMS in particular for being thoughtful and considering Muhorro Health Centre III.

Muhorro Health Centre III offers a range of services including but not limited to; Outpatient services, Inpatient services for maternity, Delivery of mothers, Antenatal, Immunization, antiretroviral therapy (ART), Laboratory services, Health education, TB treatment,  HIV testing and counseling among others.

NMS is mandated to Procure, Stores & Distribute Essential Medicines and Medical Supplies to all Public Health Facilities in the Country.

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