MTC News

Muhorro Health Centre III Cleared to use MTC Administration Block

Muhorro Health Centre III has for many years been using the maternity all as a hub for other services offered by the Health Centre including the Outpatient Department (OPD). According to the Incharge Muhorro Health Centre III, this has been bothering women who go for antenatal services as at the health facility as it hinges on their privacy.

The only block being used to provide all services to patients

It is against this background that the Muhorro Town Council (MTC) political and technical team came to a consensus to allow Muhorro Health Centre III to temporarily use the newly constructed administration block for MTC for the next year.

In a council session that was chaired by the Muhorro Town Council Speaker Hon. Ataho Balisanyuka Fredrick on 23rd December 2022, honourable members passed a resolution for Muhorro Health Centre III to use the new block with immediate effect.

The Council, however, added that every year Council will be deliberating on the same issue to ascertain if it is necessary to give the health Centre more time to use the block or not. Honourable members added that the council can withdraw this support anytime should government fail to put up an OPD for Muhorro Town Council. Council tasked Hon. Magezi Muwonge, MTC District Councilor who also doubles as the District Speaker for Kagadi District Council, to lobby the construction of the OPD block at Muhorro Health Centre III.

In attendance were the MTC Chairperson LC III Hon. Nangonza Godfrey, Town Clerk and Technical Staff.

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