MTC News

Muhorro CBD Fresh Food Vendors Directed Start Selling from Muhorro Daily Market

In a bid to have a vibrant daily market and a one stop shopping Centre for fresh food and basic daily home commodities by the people staying or visiting Muhorro Town Council, the management of Muhorro Town Council has directed all fresh food vendors who have been selling fresh foods from the streets of  the Central Business District  (CBD) to get stalls in Muhorro Daily Market.

This was decided on the 13th February, 2024 at Muhorro Town Council Community Hall in a meeting organized by Muhorro Town Council Management.

The Muhorro Town Council Principal Town Clerk Mr. Isingoma John said that the Town Council has ensured that the daily market is safe and clean for people to easily conduct business adding that the market now has a public toilet with clean safe water. He also said that the market is closed in the evening and opened in the morning which secures the products of market vendors.

He called upon anyone interested in getting a stall in market to contact the management of Muhorro Daily  Market (Headed by Omuhereza Beyeza and Haj. Waswa, among others) or office of the Town Clerk or Mayor.

During the meeting it was agreed that fresh food vendors along the streets below should move to the daily market by 1st March 2024.

Karuswiga Road through Kihereza, Rusisa to Barabara filling station, Mirima road to Muhorro Catholic Church and stretching to Barabara Filling Station, Muhorro Market street and neighboring streets where people are selling fresh food.

He cautioned fresh food vendors that those who fail to abide by this directive their food items will be impounded because those vendors  will be working outside the law.

The Mayor Muhorro Town Council Hon. Nangonza Godfrey brought to the attention of participants that the essence of this directive is to have an organized town where people can easily access food stuffs. He added that this directive will also boost business in Muhorro Town as many people will be able get their own stalls in the daily market. He called upon food vendors to embrace this new directive for the betterment of Muhorro Town Council.

Mayor Muhorro Town Council Hon. Nangonza Godfrey addressing meeting participants.

The meeting was attended by the Muhorro Principal Town Clerk, Mayor, Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Kagadi District NRM Chairperson Omukwenda Mulumba , Representative of the Principal Ward Agent Kisweka, Chairperson LC1 from  Kihereza, ,  Muhorro Central, among others.

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