MTC News

Kagadi District Council Opposes Buliisa Break Away

Kagadi District Council has this afternoon passed a resolution supporting Bunyoro Kitara-Kingdom(BKK) to remain in its current geographical boundaries.

The motion was moved by the Kagadi district vice chairperson & leader of Government business Hon. Sebugwawo Peter, a representative of Mabaale Town Council in Kagadi district council.

The motion was seconded by Hon. Oliver Irumba, the representative of Mabaale & Nyabutanzi sub-counties, and Hon. Edward Birungi, a representative of Mabaale sub-county.

A delegation of BKK officials led by the BKK Communication Manager Owek Francis Mugerwa was allowed by the district speaker to make a presentation that centered on the historical significance of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom, Kingdom development programs, and the importance of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom remaining one entity without allowing Buliisa break away.

Councilors spent over two hours discussing the motion during a council meeting that sat at Muhorro Town Council headquarters in Buyaga West County.

After deliberations, the council unanimously approved the motion backing the Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom to remain within its current geographical boundaries.

Masindi, Kikuube, Kakumiro, Kibaale, Kagadi & Hoima city councils have passed a similar motion.

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