Health is Wealth-Keep Muhorro Clean Campaign in High Gear
Solid Waste management is one of the greatest challenges facing urban authorities today with the amount of waste generated exceeding their capacity both technical and financial to collect and dispose off. Urban dwellers generally consume more resources than rural dwellers, and so generate large quantities of solid waste.
It’s on the above background that Muhorro Town Council (MTC) embarked on the Keep Muhorro Clean Campaign, an exercise that happens every first Tuesday of every month.
On 5th April, 2022, Clever Land High School Staff and Students put it upon themselves to join Muhorro Town dwellers to collect and dispose off solid waste around the Central Ward.
The exercise was organized by the Office of MTC Health Inspector Mr. Venant Gabriel Ntirenganya with In his remarks Venant said that every vendor within Muhorro Town is mandated to regularly clean his or her working space without waiting for instruction from MTC authorities.

He added that involving students in cleaning the town not only keeps the town clean but also enables students to replicate the activity in their own homes.
The MTC Principal Town Clerk Mr. Isingoma John applauded Clever Land High Schools for creating time amidst the busy activities happening in schools as we come to the end of term. He added that it’s everyone’s responsibility to keep Muhorro Town Clean.