Friends of Chimpanzee Family

Our Background

Our Vision

A society of Humanity, Chimpanzee and other species living in harmony that is economically empowered with better standards of living in a nature-friendly environment.

Our Mission

To help the Chimpanzee, other species and Human Communities to conquer their problems for a better living of the communities that will create harmony between the families.

Core Activities

  • We have been doing sensitization through village meetings, Door to Door meetings, Radio talk shows and through music dance and drama.
  • Friends of Chimpanzee Community Support SACCO (FOCCSS) that manages human-wildlife conflicts through supporting in treatment of the children that have been attacked by Chimpanzees. The SACCO also helps to support our members to meet needs like paying school fees.
  • Restoration of depleted forests and wetlands.
  • Identification of other tourist attractions (apart from Chimpanzees)
  • Development of Camp sites
  • Management of a nursery bed
  • Training communities in making energy-saving stoves, fish farming, goat rearing, piggery, and apiary.
  • Mapping, tracking, and documenting the movement patterns of Chimpanzees and other wildlife.
  • Setting up a restaurant and accommodation for our visitors

Our Core Services

  • Chimpanzee Tracking
  • Village walk/Community walk
  • Bird watching
  • African Music Dance and Drama
  • Historical Cave Study
  • Lake Albert Viewing
  • Camping Site
  • Accommodation and Hotel


There is a small charge for our services to enable us to continue serving you and conserving nature. Below is a breakdown of our pricing.

Chimpanzee Tracking$100$80UGX 15,000
Village/Community walk$15$15UGX 5,000
Bird watching$15$15UGX 10,000
Historical caves$20$15UGX 5,000
L. Albert Viewing$15$15UGX 10,000
Kitebere hiking$20$15UGX 10,000
Camping site

Friends of Chimpanzee Family is intouch with different Hotels and Lodges to ensure that you get the best accommodation services while you visit with us. Some of the Hotels and Lodges include but are not limited to;

  • Executive Hotel
  • High Way Hotel
  • Loyal Hotel
  • Heavens Hotel
  • Seyeya Courts
  • Emiline Hotel

Safety Tips

For your safety and protection of Chimpanzees,

  • You must not follow the Chimpanzees when you are sick because you can infect them
  • Minimum for tracking is twelve
  • Do not litter in the Chimpanzee area
  • Keep as quiet as possible as you track Chimpanzee
  • Keep atleast 8 meters or 25 feet from the Chimpanzee at all times
  • Do not eat near Chimpanzee
  • Do not feed the Chimpanzee
  • Do not use flash photography
  • Follow as directed by your guide

For Booking, Get in Touch With Us

Friends of Chimpanzee Family

P.O Box 39 Kagadi
Mob: +256772671309

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