Muhorro Town council Lower Local Government is one of the new Town councils created by Kibaale District Local Government in conjunction with the Ministry of Local Government in July 2010 with the main aim of improving service delivery. The Town council is mainly occupied by Banyoro, Bakiga, Batooro,Bakonjo and Banyankore. This Town council was part of muhorro Sub County in Buyaga west and in Kagadi District which has 19 Lower Local Governments including three Town councils

The Town council has strategies and programs in five years to the people of Muhorro Town council.

The major priorities are:

  • Improving community mobilization and harnessing the population dividend for development since the youthful population presents an opportunity for the Town council to have abundant and cheap labor force that can drive the envisaged growth and transformation.
  • Improving agriculture production and productivity to improve household incomes
  • Improving social service provision
  • Improving the physical and social infrastructure
  • Improving the functionality of the Town Council for effective service delivery
  • Promoting comprehensive physical planning of Kisweka andNyamiti, through fully
  • implementing the physical planning act, 2010. Furthermore, the physical planning committee with support from the political wing will mobilize map and even open new roads to increase on the motorable road net work in the town council.

Muhorro Town council local Government is one of the 19 Lower Local Governments in Kagadi District. It was split from Muhorro Town council in July 2010.
The Town council is mostly flat and very few areas that are hilly especially Nyabigata, Butumba,Nyamiti and Karuswiga and parts of Kapyemi


Like other parts of Kagadi District, Muhorro town council has equatorial type of climate with two rainy seasons in a year, ranging from March to May and September to November. The average rainfall is between 1100 to 1500mm. The temperature ranges from 20-25 degrees centigrade annually. This type of temperature together with rainfall is favouring both perennial and season crops. It also favours livestock, apiculture and fisheries. The above favouring climate leads to a steady growth of household incomes of Muhorro Town council that best fits the goal for the 3rd serry.

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