MTC News

MTC Speaker calls for Teamwork between the Political and Technical Staff

The Muhorro Town Council speaker Hon.Balisanyuka Ataho called for teamwork between the political and technical staff of Kisiita Town Council. This happened on the 16th of August, 2023 during a one-day study tour of Kisiita Town Council to MTC.

The speaker said that all the key achievements realized in Muhorro Town Council are a result of the teamwork exhibited by the political and technical teams at MTC.

He called upon Councilors to give a hand in monitoring the different government programs happening within their wards, especially the Parish Development Model.

He cautioned the Principal Town Agents against absenting themselves from work and called upon Councilors to always be on the ground to ensure that the Ward Agents are doing their work.

He also called upon the Honorable Councilors to fully participate in revenue collection as this is an essential activity for the smooth operation of the Town Council.

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